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Old 06-11-2020, 02:26 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Considering a white nationalist already drove through a crowd there I'd think a little protection would be in order.
Which is why we have something called the police. But because a statistically insignificant number of them are bad, and because your side will say or do absolutely anything for political advantage, they have been demonized, convincing simple-minded snowflakes that cops only represent a threat that's best to avoid.

The police is probably the only urban institution in the country that works. And now we're going to minimize that. That'll help blacks.

Nine unarmed blacks were killed by police in all of 2019. Nine. 18 blacks were murdered in Chicago on one recent day, May 31. Twice as many as were killed by cops in a year. Sure, by all means, let's start riots over the miniscule threat, and ignore the much more serious threat, because the serious threat pays no political dividends to you, and that's what this is all about, obviously.
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