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Old 06-14-2020, 08:27 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post
Before you dissect my point with in-line commentary and try to somehow prove it wrong, imagine for a second that I might be right. Imagine that simply saying, “you’re right, this is complex” might be a massive step forward for the way ideas are shared on this site. Imagine that not trying to argue this point might be ok.

The point has been made over and over: You’re comparing apples to oranges.

This isn’t a debate about “black homicide victims”, it’s about a law enforcement system (not just police) that is under scrutiny for failing to regard human life the same way for people of color as it does for white people.

That doesn’t mean every person of color who dies has to be unjustified, or at the hands of law enforcement, or even at the hands of a white person. It just means that if there is evidence of a system that unfairly victimizes people of color, people dying as a result of that system adds fuel to the fire. Incarceration, brutality and harassment is one thing, but when people die, you can’t take that back. You can’t apologize.

It’s ok to support the point I made above AND have regard for the lives of everyone else on the planet. It’s OK to support the point I made above and believe that repairing inner city communities still needs to happen. It’s even OK to support the point I made above and disagree with every other word that has come out my my keyboard on this site ever.

But when you disagree with that point, and pick it apart, it makes you look like a hypocrite when you choose the next moment to bash someone on here for being a liberal sissy thumb suc-k-er for having their own opinion and believing in something. Freedom of opinion goes both ways.

Regard for human life should too.
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I don't think Jim disagrees with you. I believe he actually invited you to have the conversation you desire. He asked you "based on what"?

He gave evidence to support his belief. It's your turn to give evidence to support your belief.
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