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Old 06-22-2020, 10:48 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The Trump admin. has been sitting on nearly $14B in funding that Congress passed for coronavirus testing and contact tracing.

Because if you don't test and don't trace contacts?

Watch the whole rally speech. It was spiced with a lot of humor--Trumpian humor. Your little video snippet doesn't do the tone and intention justice. It's a typical example of fake news.

From one of your favorite sources, The Guardian: "Navarro insisted Trump’s comment was 'tongue in cheek' and made in a 'light moment'. To Tapper’s contention that 'a deadly pandemic, where almost 120,000 Americans' have died might not be 'really a good subject for a light moment', Navarro said: 'He takes that absolutely seriously.' "

If you're used to Trump's style, you'ld take it for the "light moment" that it was. Of course, if you hate Trump you would absolutely say that he meant it.

Maybe some staffer will leak that he actually, seriously, requested that testing be slowed down. In the meantime, testing is voluminous.
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