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Old 06-30-2020, 10:31 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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WDMSO, who works in law enforcement, is agitated that the Justice Department is enforcing the law. I mean, how dare they?

I have to admire the way liberals played this. Liberals created modern day plantations in our cities. Liberals incentivize fatherlessness, joblessness, and oppose school choice. They do so, because this guarantees a large number of desperately poor people in the cities, 95% of whom vote democrat. That poverty also results in acting out, violence, and incarceration. Again, stupid liberal policies created this, but liberals, sensing the opportunity in Detroit, blame white cops for everything that's taking place in our cities. So the police, which might well be the only urban institution in the country that works well, are being attacked without mercy. The ones leading the attack, the ones working the mob into a frothing fit, are the ones who actually created this.

Amazing that they pulled it off so well. There always has to be a boogeyman for liberals to blame.

How can liberals say black lives matter, when they vehemently oppose school choice?

Black lives don't matter. "Certain" black lives matter. The ones that help democrats win elections. All the evidence you need of this, is to look at how liberals treat blacks who dare to be conservative. The liberal candidate for POTUS, says "you ain't black" unless you vote for him. How is that consistent with the notion that black lives matter? Spence, Paul, WDMSO? Care to explain?

Meanwhile a couple of black kids get murdered in Chicago on a daily basis. Number of protests over this tragedy? Zero. Because talking about gang violence and cracking down on it might save black lives, but it doesn't help democrats win elections. And obviously, that's all this is.
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