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Old 07-02-2020, 05:24 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Hes now a hero of the right and you. and new enemy of the left,? Thats so obvious or you would have never posted it...
It didn't occur to me that he is either a hero or an enemy. Nor did it occur to me, as it occurred to you, that he "sold out." For some strange reason, some quirk in my nature, it simply occurred to me that he was telling the truth.

Why would his book be selling out? He was doing quite well as a "hero" to the left. It would have been easier to keep going along with the scam of man made climate change being an existential threat. He could have written another book on how right wing extremists, Trumpists, etc., were bringing us and the earth to ultimate destruction in the next 10 years if they didn't sign on to some international climate accord.

But, obviously, you're the smart one. You absolutely know that he "sold out." That there is nothing to see in his book. It was just about him switching sides. We should understand the genius of switching to the side that "public opinion" is against. It would be ridiculous to even entertain the notion that he honestly saw some actual public danger in continuing the alarmist narrative. No, no, it would be more lucrative to abandon the truth, the truth that he had supported for most of his teen and adult life. Filthy lucre was just too tempting to throw all that out. And some of the positive reviews by environmentalists were also sell outs.

Just one, cynical, corrupt selling of souls to the almighty devil dollar.

And, of course, there is no possibility that man made climate change is anything other than our self-destruction along with the destruction of the earth.

And, of course, and more importantly, as you so astutely observed, the only reason I posted this is because he is now my "hero." Not because he is telling a truth we should all hear, but because he's now on what you consider is my "side." It's all just political warfare along with the necessity of my side winning.

Well, I don't agree with you. And I know myself much better than you think you know me.

Last edited by detbuch; 07-03-2020 at 08:56 AM..
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