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Old 07-08-2020, 08:43 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Liberals run the overwhelming majority of black communities. Whose fault is it, if not the people who run those places?

Liberalism encourages fatherlessness. Liberalism suggests that sex is casual, that the traditional family is an anachronism, that real women can do it all without a man, that divorce is no big deal, that masculinity is toxic, and liberalism also pays teenage girls to have babies, and pays them more if there is no dad around, which to the surprise of no sane person, creates more fatherlessness.

Fatherlessness leads to poverty, which leads to hopelessness, and especially to young boys acting out violently. Which means more arrests.

You go ahead and tell me what I said, which you think is incorrect.

Liberals want their inner city blacks right where they are on the economic ladder. That why every democrat in congress was miserable when Trump announced at the SOTU that black unemployment was at its lowest ever. WHy do you suppose that democrats were so miserable about that fact?

It's also why they oppose school choice. Got to keep them on the plantations that are our modern day cities. Give them just enough to stay alive and vote democrat, never ever give them the tools to get ahead.

Your a broken record saying the same thing 10 different ways expecting a different response. While still not providing a solution..

Ps blacks live in Republican run cities and their situations are no better ..
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