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Old 07-09-2020, 12:33 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Your funny are you suggesting only privately run schools can successfully teach American and minorities..

It's telling that you think my desire to have the federal Dept. of Education abolished means that only privately run schools can successfully teach Americans and minorities.

Perhaps you've missed my oft stated fact that the Constitution leaves education in the hands of the states and their citizens, NOT IN THE GRASP OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Abolishing the national Dept. of Education does not do away with public schools. On the contrary, it frees up the states to do what the Constitution intended in the separate ways each state, locality, and citizenry desire and consider best for themselves.

Seems you fail to grasp the volume of students who pass thru our public schools or how their funded staffed ect.

You keep making these idiotic assumptions about me.
I am painfully aware of those things. What many fail to grasp re funding, as it has been and still is, the states and localities provide by far the most money for public education. The federal government provides only 2 percent.

And what you deem a measurement of success. Is absent from your response

Here's a measurement of success:

And what has devos done to improve the system besides throw money at religous and private ones . Which has been her goal since day 1

I am against the federal government throwing any money into the educational "system." I want the federal "system" regarding education totally abolished. Devos is irrelevant except insofar as she may do away with as much federal control as possible.

Clearly our system doesn't treat all school and students equally and never has. And choice is only an option to those who wish to pay for it , or the willingness to to have their child travel hours to a charter school because they can't afford to live in that area.. with good schools .. this isnt just a minority issue its a rual issues as well
But for the right its not an issue at all .. they wish to fix . Its part of their national relection theme. They can't loose the base .. whom id wager 99% went to public schools . Who clearly failed them in civics and history
Is civics still taught? If it is, I suspect it's a very Progressively slanted version. Which would be a reason that the first thing that comes to many minds re education and its funding is the federal government.
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