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Old 07-22-2020, 02:36 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
And Tom Ridge..."Had I been governor even now, I would welcome the opportunity to work with any federal agency to reduce crime or lawlessness in any of the cities. But ... it would be a cold day in hell before I would consent to a unilateral, uninvited intervention into one of my cities."
It sounds like Ridge would not allow rioters to destroy property and injure or kill people including the police. Like he would stop the rioting and looting and maiming, with force if necessary, rather than let it continue for several weeks. And like he would also direct his police force to protect federal property as well.

It sounds like Ridge would not need a federal intervention. On the other hand. If he was not able to prevent the destruction of federal property, his consent would not be needed for federal agents to do so.
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