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Old 07-26-2020, 08:41 AM   #5
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Its neither... people kneel all the time in church or a mosque or dark alley on a Friday night .

Had a friend ask if I was upset when people kneel during the national anthem, seeing I served and protected our freedoms

1st off I told them the national anthem has zero to do with the military
2nd I cant pick or choose what Americans freedoms I chose to defend
3rd the act of kneeling has zero impact on my world view . I can agree or disagree with the method why people are taking a knee or protesting in the street or at their state house wearing a mask or not wearing a mask
4th I never went in the service to defend anyone's freedom that was never my motivation, at 18 it was about being a Marine .. that's how philosophical my choice was

I just see all the noise over these protest as the rambling of old men who contemplate their existence in the world that's moved on from their nostalgic of thinking .. in a nut shell they have become their fathers

Trump has a view of America that seems frozen in time. AS do his supporters

Last edited by wdmso; 07-26-2020 at 09:01 AM..
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