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Old 08-05-2020, 09:21 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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George Floyd bodycam video released

Keith Elison, the liberal zealot prosecuting the cops in MN, had the full video, but said he wasn't going to release it, because it might jeopardize his successful prosecution (I think he's supposed to hope for justice, not convictions?).

God knows no one in the American media cared enough to ask for the full video, they were too busy gleefully fanning the flames of racial tensions in the hopes of swaying the election. Took a British outlet to get it.

I watched the video last night, and its obvious why Elison wouldn't release it, and why the liberal media sure wasn't going to ask for it.

The video certainly does not clear the officers of any and all wrongdoing, there's a chance there's still a crime there. What it does clearly show, is that Floyd was completely out of his mind before the cops arrived, and that he was in serious duress. Also, the video shows exactly zero evidence, literally zero, that race had anything whatsoever to do with this. Floyd had a lot of Fentanyl in his system, which can cause respiratory failure.

I'm old enough to remember when we were told that the Covington kids were a bunch of racists, that the Duke lacrosse players were guilty, that Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown as Brown said "hands up don't shoot.'

The social justice warriors who pushed the narrative that this was a racist assassination and nothing more, are no better than Al Sharpton at his worst.

ANYTHING to push the narrative, regardless of the costs. All those riots, probably for nothing. People murdered, property destroyed, god knows how many people fired.

Maybe we get the facts first?

When Trump called the media the enemy of the people, I was sickened by that. I thought it was a terrible thing to say. Turns out he wasn't that far off.
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