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Old 08-11-2020, 09:25 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The Barking Carnival Clown surely has studied PT Barnum
"There’s a sucker born every minute"
I'll take the clown over the dictator every time. The clown is garishly transparent, and leaves you free to watch and listen, be a sucker or enjoy the outlandish mask that can only be seen, except by the most ignorant, childish, imbecile, as a mask not as the true face. Entertainment can require a WILLING suspension of disbelief. The clown offers you a moment of relief from worldly care, of laughter rather than fear. The clown gives you a momentary escape from the demands of society.

The dictator offers no option to his edict. He requires obeyance more than belief. He demands compliance, not relief from it. He allows no escape.

True, the Progressives are not clowns. They don't offer escape from reality so much as they create the reality you must permanently inhabit and always conform to.
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