Thread: Kamala Harris
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Old 08-11-2020, 04:21 PM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
She had one relationship with an unmarried man. Saying she slept her way to the top is dismissing her entire career because she's a woman. I've never heard anyone say that about a man. You're a pig.

It was a debate jab somebody wrote for her. Give me a break.

Jim = Desperate.
Brown says he was married when he dates Harris. So what are you referring to?

"It was a debate jab somebody wrote for her"

So it's OK to falsely accuse someone of being a racist in front of the whole world if it helps you politically, as long as someone else writes the script. That's what you're saying? Can we be clear that's what you're saying?

Was Harris telling the truth? Or not?

"You're a pig"

Unlike you, I'm never too scared to answer simple question, and my brain is capable of processing the fact that my side isn't correct or morally superior 100% of the time.

Show us I'm wrong, Spence. Tell us one big issue, on which you think Republicans are right. One big issue? Just one? Hmm?

"Jim = Desperate"

I'm not desperate. Unlike you, I can accept and live with the fact that my side will lose some elections. I expect it. And I can live with it, I won't have to hide under my bed s#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&g my thumb if it doesn't go my way. I think Trump gets creamed in November. I'm in no way desperate about it. Unlike you, I don't need to deny facts to convince myself that my candidate will win. My IRA, the way I set it up at this point, will do better if Trump loses than if he wins. I'm literally betting on a Trump loss.

Spence = coward. Can't answer a simple, childish question.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 08-11-2020 at 04:29 PM..
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