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Old 08-12-2020, 03:22 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Obvious. You prefer to stay stuck in stupid politics that won't change anything for the good. Getting rid of Trump merely gets us back to the dumbed down progression of government getting bigger. And the citizen getting smaller--a shrinking dependent who constantly bitches about the cost of health care and where is the government program to fix it, and programs to get us jobs, and a program to bring back the middle class, and a program to fix income inequality, and a program to get rid of racism, and a program to get rid of hate, and a program ad infinitum. . .

Biden and the Democrats aren't going to change the government program addiction we suffer from, other than to just make it go more viral. We need a lockdown on spreading it from person to person. We Americans need to deprogram ourselves, to restore the confidence in ourselves that we can handle freedom. Or we will totally lose it.

And we need to see that same sickness existing in the government of our Republic. And we need to deprogram it. Or we will lose it.
Thanks for the view based on emotion and nostalgia of a bygone era.... that never existed except the day the country was founded,. Yet your solution to the problem is Trump. A cancer attacking a cancer interesting
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