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Old 08-27-2020, 01:13 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
I too want to see excesive use of force stopped being used against Americans. I know some people that have excessive force used against them and it was justified, and others when it was not. But right now we have situations that happen when it is justified or not we do not know because people knee jerk into rioting (different from protest) before any facts are discovered.

When the news says that everyone is mostly peaceful protesting and won't COVER the actual riots

It is up to the local elected officials to to work that out, some have, some have blamed everyone else for the problem (much as you seem to do) and some have blamed others yet demanded their own homes be blocked off from protesters, cough Lightfoot.

You and Spence are apparently OK with the mostly peaceful protesting of federal buildings, the looting of people's business and when it happens you blame the right.
There is nothing that guy did to warrant shooting him 7 times in the back.. it cant be spun.. if someone points a gun at a cop .and they get shot by the officer iam good with that .

who blames everyone else? his Name is Donald Trump

Thanks for that classic conservative response,

Is thats what you think ... that being against police brutality equals anti law enforcement and support of protester equal support of looting and riots

And let me guess being against Trump

Equals being against America..

In your view ?

Yet any time police shoot an un armed black man
All i read is blame the guy who got shot.. should have done this or that or he had a record on and on .. and its not accidental same thing with this guy
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