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Old 09-01-2020, 12:47 PM   #41
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Remember this was in March when people were still trying to figure out what was going on. NY was following the CDC guidance at the time and just got whacked for it because the state had the first big flare up. Your CNN article mentions about a dozen other states did the same thing. Why not all 50? Hell, many states led by Trump sycophants don't even want to require masks.

My college town Ames, Iowa right now has the worst Covid rate in the country and Iowa State is still planning on playing football at 1/2 capacity. The Gov has been terrible.
"Remember this was in March when people were still trying to figure out what was going on"

We knew then, because again I work in this space for a living, that elderly were going to be the most vulnerable. So if you're going to be this charitable with Cuomo, it would boost your credibility to apply the same standard for Trump. Because democrats are saying he didn't do nearly enough in January. If that's true, Cuomo knedw well in March how risky this was.

"NY was following the CDC guidance at the time "

I already stated that. But why didn't the other 49 governors do the same thing?

"many states led by Trump sycophants don't even want to require masks."

There are left leaning states that didn't do what Cuomo did.

You won't criticize Cuomo for forcing sick people into nursing homes, but you insulted states run by Trump sycophants who didn't do what Cuomo did, some of whom have death rates a whole lot lower than New York state.

You can't ever just set the politics aside, can you? Never.

liberal=good, conservative=bad
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