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Old 09-01-2020, 05:44 PM   #50
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Are US cities seeing a surge in violent crime as Trump claims?

But in many major US cities, including Chicago and New York, violent crime overall is down compared with the same time last year.

You want to stop riots let's start with with acknowledging that killing unarmed Americans by police is not acceptable, regardless of their the color of their skin or their past criminal records or their lack of instant obedience to orders and respect for authority that some feel is justification for killing unarmed civilans

Let's Acknowledge that bringing a gun to a protest and killing 2 people and injuring another fellow American is Not a patriotism

Let's Acknowledge there is a clear distinction between protesting and looting and Riots and the last 2 are not acceptable

Let's acknowledge demanding accountability of police is NOT anti law enforcement

Let's Acknowledge showing up in vehicles laden with armed people and covered with Trump flags are not counter protesters

And lastly let's acknowledge this there are 2 country's in America a red one and Blue one. If you listen and believe what Trump is selling to to all Americans

AND acknowledge That Trump is the Man who is sowing that Narrative .. and mzny conservatives are silent
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