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Old 09-08-2020, 02:50 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Clearly not you but then you. Dont care about dignity, respect, compassion, honor , decency, accountability or basic competence .. or. Truth or the ability to actually tell it from the leader of the free world

Blah, blah, talking points. Mostly repeated mantras meant to create a basically false picture of Trump. That is, mostly the repeated lies that have become "truth" for you.

Many of the traits all past Presidents possessed some more than others

But who does Trump and his supporters model him after Vladimir Putin
An actual communist and socialist Strong man

And they cant even see it happening
Here are some Trump supporters

If Russia assists MAGA Candidates on the internet in this year’s midterms, that’s not the end of the world.” And others re-upped a C-span clip from the day before in which a caller identified as Mary Lou from Connecticut said, “I’ll try not to sound too awful, but I want to thank the Russians for interfering with our election to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president. That woman has got illusions of grandeur.”

And now Trump reportedly wants Putin summit before November election

Putin's Image Rises in U.S., Mostly Among Republicans


Americans' Favorable Ratings of Putin, by Party
2015 2017 Change%
pct. pts.
Republicans 12 32 +20
Independentx 12 23 +11
Democrats 15 10 -5

Trump's friendlier approach toward Putin appears to have garnered more positive feelings from members of the president's party toward the Russian leader ... now way how could that poll show a plus 20 jump but Republicans keep saying Democrats what the United states to a communist socialist nation?.
Wow . . . the Independents had a big jump in approval too. The Independents are trending commie!

Oh, not that it's meaningful or important to you, but the Communist Party USA works with and in support of the Democrat Party. And their platforms have been consistently similar. Maybe the Republicans are getting more jealous and are saying "Hey, help us too. We are having more positive feelings toward Putin!"

Or maybe it's a rather meaningless poll in regards to our trending toward socialism. It's the Progressive Democrats (and outright socialist Democrats) that have a serious problem with capitalism.
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