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Old 09-08-2020, 06:11 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
people like you have been spewing this nonsense for decades and I am still waiting for this socialist nation to materialize .... its the conservative go to mantra when their candidate is weak ..

and 250k out of 328.2 million people your fear of communist is not based on any rational thought .. complete paranoia ..

to bad you dont see the real threat to America
People have been spewing stuff for decades. You probably have been spewing stuff for decades. You're the one who brought up communism and how Republicans (and Independents) had a big jump of approval for Putin as if that was supposed to be related to socialist communism and that it's the "Republicans keep saying Democrats what the United states to a communist socialist nation?"

So I pointed out, that actual Communists, the CPUSA, are aligned with Democrats, and absolutely against the Republicans and especially want to get rid of Trump who is a danger to their goal of instituting Progressive agendas.

Since you equate approval of Putin to communism to the U.S. becoming a Communist Socialist nation makes one wonder why you lefties keep thinking that Trump supposedly liking Putin is a danger to U.S. security if we're never going to be socialist or communist.

At any rate, what I have been spewing is that through the Democrat Party, as it is progressing, we will become a totally Progressive State, not a Constitutional Republic. Granted, I consider Progressivism a socialistic ideology in that the government under that ideology is not limited. But, of course, that is just spewing.

So, your vision being the standard, Progressivism is perfectly fine, just another valid interpretation of the Constitution to suit the changing times, and we will continue on as a free people whose unalienable rights will be protected by Progressive "interpretation." And, of course, since there may only be a quarter million Communists in the country who are devoted to changing our system of government, they could not possibly have anything to do with the country wide mostly peaceful riots and influencing the Democrat party, while working with them and through them, into an agenda that is strikingly, if not completely, similar to theirs.
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