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Old 09-10-2020, 03:47 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
In Nov. 2019, at a NATO officers’ briefing on Russian subversion, a slide was shown. The text is below.

You can review it carefully.

As Putin’s employee, Trump is marking these “consistent Russian aims” off his checklist 1 by 1.

His time is limited, the damage, malignant.

Case Study: The United States
Consistent Russian aims

Reduce US role in providing European Security

Don't know what is meant by that "role" nor if it has been reduced so much as Trump insisting that Europeans take more responsibility for their "role." I sincerely doubt that Russia would like to see Europe strengthen its own security. A strong investment in Europe's own security could well be more of a threat to Russia than Europe mostly depending on us.

Weaken Transatlantic links

Insisting on a stronger defensive and offensive capability in Europe may weaken Europe's dependence on the US. But the U.S. bond with Europe against Russian aggression is still there.

Undermine faith in US security commitments

Strengthing our own military and insisting that Europe do the same is a commitment to mutual security, not an undermining of it.

Weaken US intelligence community

The intelligence community seems to be pretty strong. The greatest damage to it has been self-inflicted by some of the intel players attempting to remove a duly elected President.

Challenge and undermine Western liberal values

The Progressive agenda in concert with various Post Modern radical groups and objectives (i.e. critical race theory, Marxist BLM founders, violent ANTIFA, and the continuing Progressive attack on the Constitution which is our legal foundation based on those Western liberal values) are challenging and undermining Western liberal values. The Communist Party USA, which is antithetical to Western liberal values, supports, and is point by point in agreement with, the Progressive, Marxist, groups in our country.

Erode US world leadership and global respect

Other countries taking more of a role in leadership would actually be beneficial to the U.S. And not so beneficial to Russia.

Weaken US society; undermine social cohesion

Weakening the power of the individual and transferring that power to the state weakens US society. Our leftist agendas, including Progressive, does exactly that. The social cohesion of sovereign individuals willing to abide by and defend their founding principals is the strongest form of social cohesion. Coerced and enforced compliance of citizens to the roles and rights specified and created and allowed by the state is the most tenuous form of social cohesion, and is not cohesion so much as programmed compliance. Progressive theory of unlimited government precisely generates that sort of compliance, and is symmetrical to the societal "cohesion" in a Communist state.

Show the US as enemy of Islam

Trump has been an enemy of "radical" Islam. He has not shown the US to be and enemy of Islam per se. He has just helped to produce a peace treaty between Israel and the (Islamic) United Arab Emirates. He's been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for it.

Establish post-truth, post-fact information space

Not sure what that is, but it sounds a lot like what most politicians do.

Discredit independent media

Trump has discredited FAKE news. I would think NATO officers would be OK with that.

See Russia treated as (equal) partner

Equal partner in what. Is Russia supposed to be sub equal in every respect?

Reach a grand bargain to ensure stability
Wow. That really sounds horrible. A bargain to ensure stability. DEPENDS ON THE BARGAIN (what is it and has it been reached?)

Now compare the Communist Party USA's agenda and platforms to the Democrat party's agenda and platform.
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