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Old 09-15-2020, 06:00 PM   #55
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
About 80% of black people identify as Christian, it's a much higher number than whites.

This is stupid.

I guess you're supporting misogyny and homophobia then? Not sure what this has to do with race.

This is simply not true and doesn't even pass a basic smell test. Any increases to welfare or food stamps wouldn't even come close to covering the costs of a child. Do you think middle class people have more kids to get the tax credit also???
"About 80% of black people identify as Christian, it's a much higher number than whites"

Anone can identify as anything. Pelos identifies as catholic. She ain't catholic. Looks like you dodged my question about what's causing black fatherlessness to skyrocket if its not liberalism. Daniel Patrick Moynihan called it in the 1960s.

"This is stupid."

To you, ANY criticism of liberalism is invalid. You said yourself, you cannot post one principle you have, which runs contrary to what Nancy Pelosi tells you to believe. Not. One. You don't think that's something to think about?

"I guess you're supporting misogyny and homophobia then?"

Huh? Based on what? I am pro gay marriage, and was so when Obama and Hilary both said they opposed it for religious reasons. Where did you get that?

For the second and last time, what do you think is the cause behind skyrocketing black fatherlessness?

"This is simply not true and doesn't even pass a basic smell test"

Yes it is and yes it does. Look it up. In CT, and I bet in Mass, single moms get a bigger welfare check than married moms. Guess what, it encourages fatherlessness.

"Any increases to welfare or food stamps wouldn't even come close to covering the costs of a child."

The issue is, many of the welfare queens don't spend the money on the kids. They spend it on themselves, which is one reason why that culture is in the state its in. I'm not saying I could rtaise my kids on what welfare provides. But plenty of those deadbeats take those checks, and spend a lot less than the welfare amount on their kids. Which is precisely why it's not a great idea to give them cash. Better to give them diapers and formula, harder for them to convert that to cigarettes and booze. Less incentive to make a living by having kids you won't care for.

You seem to be unaware that the issue is bad parenting. Not a lack of money.
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