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Old 09-23-2020, 11:49 AM   #69
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Bill Clinton is your response your deep in the trump fan club any other imanagry comparison you what to make.? Ps last time i checked Catholicism cares more than just abortion. We know you don't. Your false comparison are endless.. your Transactional funny what your willing to over look or even forgive with Trump but you do not provide the same forgiveness to Clinton's or Biden.

So much for that Moral commpass you ke3p telling us you have
Bill Clinton was my question. A question I see you chose not to answer. You guys crack me up.

"imaginary comparison you what to make.?"

So I'm imagining that Bill Clinton gave a big speech at the DNC this year, and talked about character in the oval office! No irony there.

"Ps last time i checked Catholicism cares more than just abortion."

I'm sure you're an expert. But you're right,. Catholics also care deeply about helping the poor, an issue on which conservatives are superior. We care about strong families, an issue on which liberals could not be more wrong. I can go all day if you want.
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