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Old 09-30-2020, 10:10 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Flynn Attorney Says She Briefed Trump On Case Amid DOJ Intervention

She said she asked him not to pardon Flynn.

lying-to-the-FBI Flynn admitted to it..

And the rights excuse it basically saying he was waterboarded and thats why he plead guilty twice
Haven't heard him say he was waterboarded. Are you lying, or do you have evidence that the "right" said that? He was threatened that his son could be prosecuted if he didn't cooperate. He is trying to retract his guilty plea. He has renounced it more than twice. He has a solid case that he was coerced and that exculpatory evidence in his favor was withheld by the prosecution. And evidence is mounting that the FBI had kept the case open even after it had not found any criminal action by Flynn. And that the reason to keep it going was to get Flynn. To entrap in into a "lie" so he would resign or be fired. And that the ultimate reason to get Flynn was to get Trump.

The whole thing stinks. It reveals the danger to all of us if our intelligence, policing, and prosecutorial agencies are allowed to go after and "get" a citizen in order to advance political motives.

And the "left" wants to dismiss that, dismiss the egregious and dangerous misconduct and outright lawlessness of the FBI and others, and harp only on "he pleaded guilty twice."
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