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Old 10-13-2020, 12:41 PM   #38
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
seems you havent been paying attention

Marriage equality under threat from Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito
First, I am 100% in favor of gay marriage, and I was so when 96% of democrats still opposed it.

That being said, discrimination is what happens when you treat two things differently, when they are the same. For example, a white firefighter seeking a promotion and a black firefighter seeking a promotion, are similar, there's no logical basis to treat them differently (even though the liberals who run the city of New Haven, as well as the liberals on the SCOTUS, wanted them treated differently).

An argument can be made, that a heterosexual couple is meaningfully different than a homosexual couple, in that one can produce life (which we, you know, need in order to exist) and one cannot. Treating things differently when they are in fact different, could be construed as not being discriminatory.

I don't make that argument, but I see some merit in it.
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