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Old 10-25-2020, 07:12 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Only conservatives think the science is flawed, time and time again you and other present outliers as proof

THE science? There is science that you believe is flawed. As you showed a couple of posts ago. What I have posted were not proofs. Nor meant to be. They were examples of differing opinions, by scientists, on various aspects of the whole coronavirus understanding and process.

From Wiki: "All models are wrong" is a common aphorism in statistics; it is often expanded as "All models are wrong, but some are useful". It is usually considered to be applicable to not only statistical models, but to scientific models generally. The aphorism recognizes that statistical/scientific models always fall short of the complexities of reality but can still be of use."

From "the next time you hear about some theory, it's totally reasonable to ask, 'What overwhelming evidence do we have that this is correct?' "

Or: "scientific method the way of approaching a problem by drawing up a hypothesis based on a series of observations, and then testing the hypothesis by means of experiments designed in such a way as to support or invalidate the hypothesis. On the basis of the experimental evidence a theory is proposed to account for the initial observations. If subsequently the theory is found to be wanting in some respect, new hypotheses are sought and tested experimentally, so the process is a successive refinement which in science never leads to an absolute truth, but to a more reliable knowledge.

That there are disputes, among scientists, about aspects of the various theories regarding this virus and how to handle it and what harm may come from handling it in one way or another or about the transmissibility at different age levels, etc., shows that there is no THE science. There are different scientific opinions.

case in point The bogus Steve Bannon-backed study claiming China created the coronavirus,
The study and the Chinese virologist behind it are quite popular in conservative media.

I did see a presentation by her. Has it been proven to be wrong?

I think we can agree it isn't just going to dissapear..

Most things eventually disappear.

What I don't understand with conservatism is they would rather do nothing because they see anything done by government is overreach

This is a very extreme view of "conservatism.
I am not familiar with the notion that "conservatism," whatever you mean by that, prefers to do nothing. As for what "conservatives" prefer re this virus, as with most things, ultimately, is that the proper constitutional levels do the work, and that the federal government not be responsible for everything, and certainly the burden should not be shouldered by the President. That is not only unconstitutional, it is a recipe for disaster no matter who is President.

Or seeing the majority of Americans support an action their against it .. just because and just because isn't science-based
Your last sentence is totally incomprehensible to me.
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