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Old 10-29-2020, 09:29 AM   #21
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,069
Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"No healthcare plan"

True, and fair to criticize him for.

He gave it to Lesley Stahl, just kidding. But the big book was heavy. Filled with executive orders, congressional initiatives, but no comprehensive health plan. And then his press secretary claimed it was in there.

"higher middle lower class taxes"

Nope. He doubled the standard deduction, and increased child tax credits. These are things that don't help the wealthy at all, they specifically target middle and lower class people. That was demonstrably false bullsh*t. If you are low/middle class and have no kids and live in a blue state and you have a ton of state and local taxes (which not many poor people pay, as they don't have expensive cars and big houses), then MAYBE your federal liability went up. Only in that case. You're lying Pete.

On the whole, low-income families appear to have received the least savings, while high-income families saved the most. Middle-class families saw mixed results.

"Rich people pay no taxes"

some pay little, some pay a ton.
And some pay $750

"224,000 dead Americans, 11,000,000 unemployed "

For the 50th time, what policies was Biden calling for back in January, which you think would have improved those numbers? Its a global pandemic, and we are a free country. We're vulnerable. Look at the political leanings of the states with the highest death rates.
Just how well would the states that had lower death rates do without the states funding the federal government for them.

You left out a few things from the past 4 years, I'm sure it wasn't intentional, must have slipped your mind...

didn't get us in any questionable wars (first POTUS in a long time who can say that)
It's a good thing, it is obvious that he is incapable of dealing with any crisis
raises and better benefits for the military
Trump could accurately say that the 2018 pay increase he signed into law, 2.4%, was the largest in close to 10 years: It was the biggest raise for the troops since the 3.4% increase that President Barack Obama signed into law for 2010. The 2019 raise, 2.6%, was also the largest since 2010.
But these raises were certainly not the first in close to 10 years.

lowest minority unemployment ever, pre covid
Remember that tide thing?
criminal justice reform
Sure he signed a bill from Congress and then there are these impressive actions to date:

Restricted clemency to only those who are celebrities, well-connected individuals, or have a personal affiliation with the president
Encouraged the use of excessive police force on peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors
Threatened maximum sentences for vandalism of monuments
Restarted federal executions after a 17-year informal moratorium on federal capital punishment
Secretly altered the risk assessment authorized in the FIRST Step Act to drastically reduce the number of federally incarcerated people eligible to be released to subdue the spread of COVID-19
Denied federal coronavirus relief funding to small business owners with a criminal record
Argued in court against people eligible for sentence reductions under the FIRST STEP Act
Jeopardized the FIRST STEP Act by underfunding its programs
Reinstated DOJ contracts with private prisons
Left director of the Bureau of Prisons position vacant for more than a year
Disbanded a program to create federal prison education systems
Closed halfway houses that help those incarcerated transition back to the community
Prohibited federal investigations of patterns of unconstitutional policing
Stopped assistance to police departments that voluntarily wanted reform
Eliminated restrictions preventing police departments from obtaining military equipment
Eliminated community-based violence prevention programs
Condemned public criticism of police by threatening that protestors “might find themselves without the protection they need”
Eliminated DOJ community policing program grants in proposed executive budget
Attacked prosecutors who are pursuing criminal justice reform in their communitites
Proposed to eliminate a DOJ office dedicated to help communities reduce racial conflict
Rescinded federal guidance meant to stem the flow of the school to prison pipeline
Ordered federal prosecutors to pursue the harshest punishments possible
Threatened federal prosecutions for marijuana in states where it is legal
Attempted to resume use of the federal death penalty and encouraged expansion of the death penalty in drug cases
Waged the same failed war on drugs from the 80s
Attempted to force federal job candidates to disclose participation in diversion programs
Expanded the federal use of civil asset forfeiture
Suspended the national forensic science commission
Failed to report on deaths in police custody as required by Congress
Disbanded the DOJ Science Advisory Board that provided evidence-based rigor to DOJ policies
Rescinded DOJ guidance that warned courts against excessive fees and fines

economic opportunity zones in blighted areas
Save the suburbs
saw the US become energy independent, and a net exporter of oil
Simplistic at best, The vulnerability of U.S. consumers to global oil price spikes depends not on how much oil the United States imports, but on how much it consumes. The best way to insulate drivers from inevitable oil price shocks is to reduce how much oil we use in the first place. In this light, the Trump administration’s decision to roll back fuel-economy standards is also misguided.
making progress in the middle east
Some, but "The UAE reiterated its commitment to the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on relevant UN resolutions".
increased funding for black colleges
Sure, he signed stuff
The White House under Trump has each year proposed steep cuts to higher education and scientific research. And some of those suggested cuts, such as the 2018 White House proposal to restructure and slash TRIO programs by 40 percent, would disproportionately affect HBCU students. Trump also has sought to eliminate the Strengthening Historically Black Colleges program.
Luckily, Congress has ignored virtually all the Trump administration’s proposed cuts to higher education.

ISIS on their knees
The Islamic State group, essentially pushed out of Iraq and Syria by a U.S.-led coalition in March 2019, has re-established itself in Africa, conducting attacks in 13 countries, capturing territory and establishing de facto governments in portions of two of them in the past year and a half, a report by a West Point-affiliated policy institute says.

Hate him all you want, that's an impressive list, and if a democrat had done that, you and Spence would be all out of sperm.
You do seem to have some underlying sexual issues, demonstrated by your fascination with periods, menopause and sperm......... you can get help for that.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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