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Old 10-29-2020, 10:55 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by nightfighter View Post
Seriously??? Having viewed this forum (admittedly from a distance) over the past four years, I find your statement, in boldface, laughable. And you know that I have always been a leaning right of center independent.

At this point I am reduced to hoping and praying that whoever wins can and will REUNITE this country... And despite disagreeing with the many policies that may come with that, I would accept that. We are nothing if we cannot stand shoulder to shoulder with our fellow Americans, united as Americans first. And that is surely not the case presently.
How do we unite, as Americans, the traditionalist personal responsibility free market folks who revere the Constitution with those who think America must be fundamentally transformed, that it was founded on and always has been racist, homophobic, oppressive, sexist, war mongering rapist of the world's resources, a totally inegalitarian, oppressive, mean spirited ogre backed up by an outdated piece of paper that prevents the government from having the power to do all the things that would guarantee the best outcome for every person?

How do we unite, as Americans, those who want an actually sovereign nation with those who see that as fascistic nationalism and prefer a globalist view with a global governing body that dictates health, energy, immigration, and economic policies (for starters)?

How do we unite as Americans those who want a constitutionally limited government with those who prefer a government with the power to control every aspect of our lives?

Do you think there is some "middle" ground between those views? If there is, then how is that "American"? Why aren't the "extremes" American? If being "American" is in constant flux, then there is no constant definable "American."

What is your definition of "American"?
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