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Old 11-06-2020, 02:40 PM   #19
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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Trump or Trump lovers cant explain Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Nevada ,Pennsylvania Utah . all fraud? but any place he won no fraud? look at the logistics needed to coordinate this fraud claimed by Trump and his Minions 159.8 million Americans voted and counting ! How many people how many separate ballots, ballots for different counting systems across the Nation and in 7 or 8 states and the coordination required its pure Fantasy... Yet Trump Lies with out a shred of evidence of the fraud in a scale never seen or imagined except by him and his supporters , half the county think the above is what happen? is lunacy to think its True .. yet if Trump ends up winning their would be no memes no FB book stories no concern over the election no mention of fraud as a concern in our elections.. Why is that? if your an honest person you know why ... Just saying
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