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Old 11-11-2020, 04:41 PM   #507
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
So what did he not push? He was extremely forthright in implementing policies which obviously indicated to anybody with a brain that he took it seriously. His public statements did not reflect that

That is not true. His public statements announcing the implementation of policies exactly "reflected" what he was doing.

And you didn't answer what was in the "playbook" that you say he did not push.

As for his supposedly "downplaying" it, everybody did, including the WHO, the Dems, the Press, Dr. Fauci, which obviously includes those who would know as much as Trump about the severity. No, Trump never was the leader in the fight against Covid-19.

That was not a coherent response to what I said. Nevertheless, there were many times he led--travel ban, putting together a task force, etc. There were various people responsible for leading in their sphere of responsibility.

Even Biden in those early days warned us not to panic about the virus. Perhaps he made the incorrect assumption that this administration was acting in the best interest of the American people, not Tweety's reelection campaign.

Perhaps? Right, you cannot know what was actually in the head of either Biden or Trump. Normally, one would suppose that a politician like Biden would not act in a way that would agree with an opponent he wanted to remove from office. Your "perhaps" conjecture is counterintuitive to the degree that it looks ridiculous.

Anyway, doing what the American people think is in their best interest is one of the more reliable ways of winning an election. So Trump's political self-interest would correlate with the people's interest.

Obviously, you need to believe that Trump's effort to avoid panic was the sole responsibility for our death total, even though he was criticized for his early travel ban, He was criticized for not doing enough and thinking that just sort of closing a border would be enough

Being criticized for not doing enough doesn't make it so. Especially in politics when criticism is more often a means to harm an opponent rather to help him. Didn't notice much friendly helpfulness coming from Biden and the Dems. And Trump did a lot more than the travel bans.

and that Dems were saying that it was OK to gather in groups without masks or social distancing. The Democrats were following the guidance of Tweety's agencies, that you sometimes claim he was in charge of and other times say they were totally independent.

The agencies were supposed to be the experts. Fauci, who downplayed the virus, was supposed to be an expert. The head of the WHO who downplayed the virus was supposed to be an expert. So, in your opinion, all those "experts" were allowed to downplay the virus, but Trump wasn't?

And I didn't say the regulatory agencies were "totally" independent. I said they had executive, legislative, and judicial power, and are expected to operate independent of constant direction, but there is congressional, presidential, and ultimately SCOTUS power to discipline or overturn their decisions. However, that rarely happens and the Court almost always defers to their presumed expertise.

You latch on to that notion like a dog with a bone--with the same lack of thought that the dog would employ. But that is a generous characterization. The more insidious truth is that you know what you are doing.

Meanwhile, you repeat the party line.

Currently the Con man in the White House is financing his career after this with arms deals to the UAE. Odd that deal was the day he fired Esper and put Miller and Tata in
If I repeat a party line, that is not my intention. My opinions may well concur with the party line. Yours don't seem to be particularly original and do concur with the Dem and leftist media line.

And you have yet to point out how Trump did not follow the Playbook. Nor have you pointed out how infallible the Playbook is. All you do is say he didn't, then as some supposed evidence you merely link to the Playbook without showing us where in it Trump was lacking. Maybe you didn't read it.

And as I previously said, Biden and Obama pointed out the part of the playbook that Trump supposedly did not follow. But what they deceptively pointed to were not made by the "playbook" to be federal mandates, but recommendations for local community action. And that many communities had implemented those recommendations.

I read most of it. Though it was difficult because of the jargon and constant referral to several unfamiliar alphabet agencies which I had to look up, I did get a basic understanding.

And there is not so much direct action to be taken, especially not by the President, there are a lot of questions that should be asked by the various agencies. And, as I pointed out, the two direct actions listed in the "playbook" for POTUS, Trump did.

The Breitbart article I linked, amidst a lot of commentary on the "playbook," said this, which is what I also found in reading it: "Thus while the Biden campaign has suggested otherwise, the playbook itself admits that there is no magical plan for containing pandemics, and that policymakers would have to learn and adjust over time — which Trump has done."

Very, very, importantly what I noticed in much of the first part of the "playbook" is a lot of reference to the host country in a pandemic, and the need for coordinating efforts with it. Much of the success against a virus would rest on that cooperation.

The host country in this case, China, absolutely refused to cooperate with the rest of the world. It withheld critical information. Created misinformation. And deliberately quarantined its people while permitting travel from infected areas to the rest of the world but not telling anybody about what was possibly coming their way.

If the "playbook" can point to a culprit in this pandemic, it is not Trump. It is China. Yet Trump haters gloss over that, if mentioning it at all. They let the culprit off the hook and politically pin the blame on someone they have desperately, in so many ways, without cease, tried to destroy. And their guy who is about to be President, and his son, got a lot and has a lot of money coming from China.

Last edited by detbuch; 11-11-2020 at 04:58 PM..
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