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Old 12-04-2020, 03:53 PM   #18
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,069
If you are wondering why some people are buying into Diaper Don's attempted coup, here is why.

This Is Your Brain on Newsmax
What it’s like bingeing on the Fox-killer.

Since the glorious defeat of Donald Trump, I had been ensconced in my cozy coastal elite Twitter bubble, only privy to the bursts of Sidney Powell and Lin Wood crazy when it inserted itself in my feed. So when Ben Smith fed the blue-check tigers this juicy morsel about the rise of Chris Ruddy and Newsmax, I was shook.

Newsmax’s prime-time ratings, which averaged 58,000 before Election Day, soared to 1.1 million afterward for its top shows.

Wait, seriously? A million people?

That’s a boost of 20x over the network’s pre-election ratings. To put it another way, Newsmax, which Nielsen only started tracking this past summer, went overnight from having programming that topped out at 1 percent the size of Fox’s biggest show (Tucker Carlson Tonight) to about 20 percent its size.

The demand side of the conservative media curve was speaking. They want Coup Theatre News and they want it now.

I wanted to find out what these folks were being told, so I committed myself to hours upon hours of viewing. You may think you have a sense for what is happening on The Max, but I promise you it is much weirder, more alarming, and more debased than you can imagine. Here’s some of what I saw:

The president’s campaign lawyer saying that a former Trump official should be executed.

A host saying that Biden’s election would bring a war between the races and that Barack Hussein Obama is a “reprobate” who is “pimping” a book.

Hosts and guests suggesting several times an hour that Republican state legislatures should overturn the will of the people to keep Trump in power.

Fantastical stories of millions of votes being dropped off by tow trucks in the dead of night after nationwide blackouts.

The term “ballot harvesting” bandied about indiscriminately.
An endless stream of Lionel Hutz-level legal analysis.

And that was just one day in the life of Uncut Kraken.

And for the rest of the story, click here

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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