Thread: Rudy
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Old 12-09-2020, 12:03 PM   #15
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Giuliani, a potential one-man superspreader whose recent visit forced the entire Arizona legislature to close up shop, is being treated at Georgetown University Medical Center. For the rich and powerful, there’s always room at the inn. Or hospital. And while we all hope for his speedy recovery, this is the latest sign that a pattern of privilege has emerged. It goes like this: Having tempted fate by refusing to social distance or wear masks, Trump and his team contract the virus. Next, they receive world-class medical treatment. Last, they quickly recover.

It's not a victimless advantage. Their miraculous recovery reinforces the resentment of every hoohaw who won't wear a mask and throws a fit at a bar in Staten Island because last call comes early at 10 p.m. The problem with these quick recoveries is that they demonstrate (to people who are the most susceptible to this message) that COVID-19 isn’t really a big deal.

Newsmax Doctor Calls Rudy a One-Man ‘Superspreader’

I guess it’s not just me who sees the Hypocrisy the rights more outraged over a dem suggesting people stay home and then don’t ,, But have no issues with superspreaders who suggest nothing and do even less to help stop the spread of the Virus?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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