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Old 12-11-2020, 12:31 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
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Another of their stories

US is slaughtering Yemeni civilians to ‘keep weapons factories running,’ senior Houthi leader claims
Actually, the article I posted is not an exclusive Aletho News originated one. The article was written, as I posted, by Glen Greenwald. And the Chinese scholar's speech that Greenwald commented on also was not some Aletho News sponsored or created event. Like most international stories, various news outlets, including major US news agencies, publish them. Several other sources published the Greenwald story. Greenwald has been a major contributor of journalistic commentary from the Progressive side for years. He is not some "needle in the haystack" kook.

One of the sources the net search linked was Aletho News. My first thought when I chose to link to it's entry was that you would pooh pooh it because of the source rather than the comment on the information in it. Bingo! Other sources linked to the Greenwald article. I just chose the first one.

And, as usual, you try to kill the messenger instead of attacking the message. Greenwald's article is factual. It has several internal links to back it up, including the Chinese scholar's speech.
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