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Old 12-11-2020, 02:05 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Apparently you haven't been paying attention for the last 4 years . . .
In spite of the cherry picked out of context quotes and slanted opinions (which probably have some grain of truth but distort the overall picture), nothing you posted shows us how Mr. Bolton or any past administrations did anything to halt the rise of China's power or influence--instead it steadily and continuously grew to the point where we now face a worse threat than ever to the American experiment not only from Chinese leftism, but leftism from within.

As crappy as you try to portray Trump's efforts re China (and they included more than the mere trying to get a trade deal as Bolton claims), he has thrown more of a monkey wrench into the CCP's objective than anyone, including Bolton, has done before. If anything, from Nixon through Obama, we have enabled China far more than deterring it.

And China is elated that Biden won, not Trump. That should mean something. The Greenwald article explains why. But let us not discuss that. And let us not discuss Biden's China connection. That's all been "debunked." Yeah . . . right.
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