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Old 12-11-2020, 02:32 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
it comes down to this , seeing that the Administration in on the way out !
as if by magic all these stories about china this and china that hit the conservative mouth pieces?
2015, U.S. intelligence officials, who had been monitoring Fang’s activities, became concerned about her ties to Swalwell and provided a “defensive briefing” to the California Democrat, Axios reported.Swalwell immediately cut off contact with Fang, and he is not suspected of any improper actions in his dealings with her.

5 years later this is a story 5 mins before Biden gets sworn in ya ok

this has nothing to do with America 1st its just a replay of setting the ground work to what republicans do best obstruct lie and lie some more
Again, Greenwald is not a Republican. He is not a conservative. Neither is Professor Di. Neither is Axios re Swalwell. You keep dodging what Greenwald said. And the China/Biden connection is not some new last minute revelation. It has been commented on and even documented by "conservative mouth pieces" well before this (see Peter Schweitzer).

Swalwell is an example of China's large infiltration into the levers of power and secret information in this country. China has gleaned a great deal of info, tech, military, financial, through its thousands of implanted agents in the U.S. There is no telling what Swalwell may have told Fang before she was outed.

Trump has been skewered, accused, investigated by the FBI, a special counsel, the Congress, for alleged security threats because of ties to Russia. Will Biden be investigated? Do you care?
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