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Old 12-12-2020, 12:14 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Go ahead and be very afraid

I have no desire to seek your advice or approval over whether I should be afraid. I didn't say I was afraid, and it is not a good way of starting a reply by pulling some fatherly or superior ploy of being in the position of advising me how to go ahead and feel something I have in no way indicated that I do.

But look back at history

I have looked back on history time and again in exposing the Progressive agenda. But no one other than a few actual constitutionalists, takes me up on that discussion.

The Whig Party fractured and died in the 1850s over slavery. Will the Republican Party fracture and die in the 2020s over democracy?

Both parties have fractured and mucked their way through a continuous process of dying. They both had a change in names and their political philosophies kept changing. They both have had what you would call autocratic Presidents, some of whom on the Democrat side were way more autocratic than Trump, e.g. Jackson, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and Obama could also be included in that pantheon of what Democrats would call great Presidents.

The greatest force of change affecting both parties has been Progressive ideology. And that resides more firmly today in the Democrat party.

And the notion that the Republican party will fracture and die over democracy is laughable. We are not a democracy. If you mean that the Republican Party will die because it is divided between those who want to maintain us as a Republic and those who want to transform us into a Democracy, I haven't heard of that squabble.

If you mean that there are Republicans who actually want to get rid of our supposedly democratic system of voting, I see no evidence of that. The effort to root out what Republicans see as fraud is actually a way to protect the system. And they are working within our system to do that. If they can't prove the fraud, then we continue on unabated.
Even the fraud will continue--especially as it has in local politics, which is the groundwork that can make for rigged national voting.

Democracy is very susceptible to fraud and to manipulation by a ruling class. That's why the Founders avoided a pure Democracy.

They certainly have demonstrated their belief in autocracy.

Trump? That's been part of the left's withering and lying narrative. Trump is an autocrat. Trump is a dictator. Trump is a Nazi. Trump is a white supremacist. That's all BS. He has wielded far less unconstitutional power than Jackson, Wilson, FDR, and LBJ--those great and revered Democrat Presidents.

And don’t get too frantic,

Oh, so now your advising me on how not to act.
See above for my opinion on that.

history has shown that the American experiment self centers every so often and the people on both edges get over it or buckle down and get to work to sway things in the direction they believe is correct.

Self centering is a comforting and assuring phrase that avoids the truth of what actually happens which is an evolution in a given direction of more or less freedom. We have been consistently evolving in the latter direction. The chief driving force of that direction is Progressive politics. It is a force that engenders far more centralized government power over our individual lives than any one so-called autocratic President can.

Or they can just play the victim card
Or they can "fight the power" and insist on maintaining our constitutional republican form of government. Insist on rolling back centralized regulatory power. Insist on individual over group rights. For starters.

Fat chance. More likely they can just keep believing in the corporate journalism that informs everything they know about what their government really is, what it's doing, and who actually controls it.
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