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Old 12-28-2020, 09:45 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
wait...the three people you know who moved is not a "generalized statement or impression"? that's pretty funny
in my world if we have people we personally know whether 10 years ago or today and the primary reason they moved or stayed is a Job thats not a general statement . its reality .. So how many people do you know left mass or RI Claiming Crime religious reasons or just because of cost of living . as their primary reason for leaving

again I am not suggesting those thing may be a consideration in where to move Just not the primary reasons why people

this is from Allied Movers Top Reasons People Move to New States I would assume they have the data to back it up.

1 New Job: The number one reason people move to new states is for work. Although most people only make an inter-state move when a job is already lined up and secured, this figure also includes people moving in hopes that they’ll find better employment prospects once they arrive. Relocation packages help make this an enticing option, especially when they come with a promotion.

2 School and/or College: Education is another popular reason why people move across state lines. College students moving away for the first time make up the largest demographic in this category, but it also includes students transferring from one university to another as well as families hoping to move their kids to a better school district.

3 Retirement: Not everyone moves to Florida or Arizona for retirement, but a large percentage of the aging population does shift to a new locale to enjoy their golden years. Better climate conditions, lower costs of living, and greater access to healthcare all work together to make some states more ideal for retirement.
Access to
4 Amenities: Every state (and city) has something different to offer. Many families choose to take advantage of these amenities by moving closer. Access to healthcare (especially research hospitals) is one big reason why people move to new states, as are things like good schools, more public parks, and better tax rates.

5 Change of Pace: Of course, not everyone has a solid financial or personal reason for moving to a new state. In many cases, the move has less to do with your needs and more to do with your wants. If you’ve been bitten by the travel bug, moving to a new state provides a great way to experience a new climate and a new culture.
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