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Old 12-31-2020, 10:39 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Sea Dangles View Post
Wayne,every elected official said they believed her story. Elected officials!!!

We are not trying to compare that bs with political allegiance I hope.
This is not even close to being the same. Your party simply has no conscience and have proven it time and again. Yet you stick by them like they are the second coming while criticizing the base of the right.
Hypocrite much?
My party has no conscience that’s funny and you used hypocrite in the same sentence ...

She was under oath as was he.. so a classic he said she said ... that’s why he is a Justice this was no conspiracy theory 80 percent of Democratic men believe Ford as do 74 percent of Democratic women. Among Republicans, 77 percent of men believe Kavanaugh, as do 73 percent of women. That’s what Partisanship looks like

Be We are talking conspiracy theory’s , not partisanship , and you can’t or won’t admit the 2 topics are not the same

Wisconsin health system said an employee admitted to deliberately spoiling 500 doses of coronavirus vaccine.

Let me guess what party of conscience or website conspiracy this person believed ! to do what they did

The Nashville RV guy what conspiracy moved him 5G lizard people...s

What % of Republicans believe these conspiracy theory’s

Some 56% of Republicans believe that QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory, is mostly or partly true,

These aren’t made up stats

And Republican elected officials are cashing in parroting these claims for votes .. and please don’t suggest both sides do it , even their own members see the downfall in the path some willing go down

So Ben Sasse is what a Rino or Truth Teller , about trying to flip the election

Let’s be clear what is happening here: We have a bunch of ambitious politicians who think there’s a quick way to tap into the president’s populist base without doing any real, long-term damage. But they’re wrong — and this issue is bigger than anyone’s personal ambitions,
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