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Old 01-08-2021, 06:16 AM   #3
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One morning.... boss man Jim tells me to get in his truck and we go to the outskirts of town where he has a 40 acre tract of land to be developed into house lots.
When we get there he points out the yellow ribbons on the trees that define where he intends to put a road in. He gets a large chainsaw out from the back of his truck... a couple cans of fuel...chain file and some bar oil....and asks me if I can handle a chainsaw. I figured hard can it be...and said sure. He explains that I am to cut down all trees between the ribbons....cut logs into four foot lengths and load them on the flatbed truck he had out there....then take all the brush make a pile and burn it. He had a couple of old tires there and told me once on fire they would help the green brush burn better.
He stayed for about half an hour to get me started then left...important business he said...and that he would come back later and pick me up. It was a hot day already and I was glad to have a full jug of water. It was fun at first...dropping those first few big trees.
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