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Old 01-08-2021, 04:59 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
When Trump told a mob to march on Congress to "stop the steal"—at a rally he timed to begin two hours before the event he wanted "stopped"—he knew what he was doing.

And after he fled to the White House to monitor the result of his words and was "pleased," he knew what he'd done.

He said: “we will walk to the Capitol”. There was no “we” about it. As usual, he was safely away from danger.

He literally said "I'll be with you"

He and his associates told them to engage in "trial by combat." He whipped them into a frenzy with lies and conspiracy theories. Many of the insurrectionists storming the house were wearing body armor and helmets...These people built a gallows outside the Capitol. You think this was spontaneous? Thousands of his people then attacked the US Capitol, and people were killed. You can't escape these facts.

The president was trying to stage a coup....Just because it failed or didn’t succeed doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.
What coup? A mob was going bring down the government? Just to be clear, you mean that after they acted crazy, broke and burned stuff, and killed folks and hung people, the government would fall, and Trump would become dictator?
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