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Old 01-09-2021, 04:29 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post
Black lives matter didn’t storm the Capitol building trying to overthrow the results of our entire country’s election.

The pro-Trump protesters didn’t revolt in their regional cities and try to overthrow local governments.

What black lives matter DID do in our nation’s Capitol was protest outside the White House and were marched on by the national guard and dispersed.

The pro-trumpers had the barricades moved out of their way to be let in, only after they started tearing the building apart and making it to the actual floors of Congress were any shots fired or tear gas deployed in an attempt to quell the event.

If you’re going to compare things, choose the things that are closest to each other to compare, otherwise you sound like an a-s-shat
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first of all, the rioters were protesting the results, not trying to overturn the results. how could they have overturned the results? is there a piece of paper with biden’s name on it that they could have erased and written in trumps name, and then trump is president? they had no plan or anything. why can’t we accurately describe what happened? 200 jerks were going to overturn an election? you think they thought, hat they’d overturn the election? they blew a gasket and acted like wild animals.

second, you’re right, blm didnt break into the capital. they burned buildings to the ground. which is worse.
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