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Old 01-11-2021, 06:06 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Well, sometimes you have a shoe bomber and sometimes it's Lockerbie. I don't want either.

What would have happened if as some of the rioters said, they hung Pence, shot Pelosi and killed Grassley?
Stole the votes from the Electoral College?
They had a map of the tunnels [in the basement of the Capitol], and they were talking about how they're going to be able to stop Congress from leaving. They imagined that this was the day there were going to be mass executions of Congressmen.

If your claiming that Trump orchestrated or even suggested all of this, you better have more than conjecture, interpretation, and deceitful imputations of what he said. What he actually said would not have led to any of this, nor was there any suggestion in what he said that would lead to this.

If you want to understand the Real Deep State, the biggest thing you need to know is it’s institutional, impersonal, and operates on a national scale.
The law enforcement-intelligence-national security bureaucracy doesn’t really care about a lot of the little things people think it cares about. It’s mostly focused on terrorists, serial killers, narco-traffickers, and foreign governments. Threats to the nation.

That is supposed to be how it operates. Unfortunately, humans operate it. And some have agendas that may cause them to tweak the process. It's not that they haven't sometimes been found to cheat. There is an ongoing investigation of how they handled the process re Trump.

Previous QAnon activity wasn’t on that scale, but the Capitol attack is. I don’t think this has sunk in yet. It wasn’t 9/11, but it was bigger than, for example, Benghazi.

Has Trump told QAnon what to do? Do the Dems tell Antifa and Black Lives Matter what to do?

Americans storming the Capitol to prevent Congress from carrying out election law hasn’t happened before. When four Puerto Rican nationalists shot at Congressmen from the House balcony in 1954, they were rightly called terrorists, convicted in federal court, and imprisoned. And that was just four attackers, no one died, and it wasn’t encouraged by a losing presidential candidate to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.

They were not going to be able to stop Congress from carrying out election law. The most they could have done is delay it. And nothing Trump said suggested that they should try to stop it. The scheduled rally, in my opinion, was to influence certain Congress people, not to cause rioting.

The Capitol attack was a unique event in American history, something they’ll teach about in high school. National security analysts are comparing it to last year’s FBI-thwarted plot to kidnap and execute Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, which came a few months after armed demonstrators forcefully stopped business at the Michigan statehouse. There have been armed post-election demonstrations at multiple statehouses, and reports of plots to storm them next week.

It’s a pattern.

And after the Capitol attack, the Deep State is going to take it seriously.
I guess that is all well and good. They're certainly not angels. In the past, many Dems didn't trust them. Today many Repubs and libertarians don't trust them. They have done things to earn that mistrust. We've hashed a lot of that out on this forum.

Last edited by detbuch; 01-11-2021 at 06:18 PM..
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