Thread: More kitchens
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Old 01-16-2021, 07:56 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Jenn View Post
I really enjoyed this thread! Always wished I had such an ability but I don't we just had out kitchen remodel this year after 18 years of wishing! Its a modest small ranch and the kitchen wasn't just small and run down but dysfunctional even for its size. So happy with the new design (same size!) crazy how a better design and quality work can change everything! We are not carpenters so we saved money by doing what we could...ripping the old out and doing what we could ourselves. We were smart enough to hire carpenter to install cabinets and hire a tile certainly upped the budget but knew better than to attempt ourselves and screw it up! LOL! Have amazing respect for a good tradesman! Even more so now! Some things just are not worth trying to save a buck on and Im so glad we recognized that from the get go. I have friends that are better "do it your-selfers" but in the end wished they hadn't....

Jenn....It's great that you finally got your new kitchen.....after 18 years! Small kitchen is not necessarily a bad thing.....could be a more efficient work triangle than a large spread out one....more counters just means more clutter and more to cleanup. Did you get all new appliances too? So whats next? Bathroom?

Once in a while we get a customer who wants to save a few bucks and do their own painting. I chuckle to myself...seen it many times....they way underestimate the amount of time and effort it will take......then settle for a job they would never accept if they paid someone.
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