Thread: antifa
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Old 05-14-2021, 03:50 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
When a milkshake to the face brought the spotlight on Andy Ngo, politicians and talking heads on both sides were happy to take on his cause: demonizing antifa

your being played by another Grifter
Your article doesn't disprove anything that Ngo says in the video I posted. On the whole, your article is an obvious attempt to discredit Ngo. It tries to cast doubt on his actually having a severe brain injury by saying he "claims" it. He didn't make it up. It was the actual medical diagnosis. It plays down his actual injuries and tries to smear him as actually being complicit in his being attacked and in the rioting and damage caused by right wing extremists. It is as biased as it claims Ngo to be.

Here is a far more balanced view, and one which exposes the deceit in your article:

It is a far more reasonable look at the "extremist" problem we have.
Read it and reconsider who is being played.

It also refers specifically to your article, explaining its deceitfulness in a couple of paragraphs including this salient bit of info:

"It was left to Robby Soave at Reason magazine to note that the 20-minute undercover video at the heart of this story 'does not even establish that the group of right-wing agitators planned an attack—let alone that Ngo was aware of such a plot.'"
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