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Old 06-07-2021, 03:21 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I would assume Venezuelans, like Cubans have experience with "socialism" and also authoritarian regimes.
They will have to make a choice.

That's why I specifically asked about Venezuelans--considering their peculiar situation in which productive Venezuelans hate their "socialist" regime. But, then, illegals from the Central American countries aren't exactly in love with the regimes from which they're trying to escape. And they overwhelming vote Democrat.

Probably because the Dems are the ones who want to make it easier for them to come here.

“The crisis we have is one of too few immigrants, not of too many,” says Charles Kenny, a senior fellow at the Center of Global Development, and Washington D.C., think tank. “If you look at U.N. projections, they suggest that, by 2050, the United States will need 50 million more workers to keep the current proportion of workers to the population overall.”

Is the current proportion (or less) of workers to overall population going to be a "crisis" in 2050? How does he know that? We have officially 9.3 million unemployed right now. And that's not counting the millions of illegals who are under the radar. Nor the millions who have stopped looking for work. Is that a crisis NOW. If that is not a crisis now, why will it be in 2050? If there are not enough jobs to employ the current population, will there be enough in 2050 if we expand the population with millions of illegals every year. And what's to say that the illegals and their children won't adopt the new American way and refuse to have 2.1 children themselves, thus perpetuating and making worse the "crisis" in 2050?

America’s fertility rates have dropped from 3.65 children per woman in 1960 to 1.73 children per woman in 2021, according to the World Bank. That’s way below the rate of 2.1 children per woman needed to replace annual deaths in the United States.

Yeah, well the new American lifestyle, assisted by nearly a million abortions every year (1960's seem to be the decade that brought in the new style, including the abundant abortions since the 1970's). No doubt, the illegals, and for sure their children, want a piece of the lifestyle and have contributed to it since then. I don't see how immigration of any kind is a solution for that.

In the meantime, the growth of America’s total immigrant population has been slowing down in recent decades. The total rise in the U.S. foreign-born population went dropped from 11.5 million people in the 1990s to 8.8 million in the 2000s, to 4.8 million in this decade, according to the Pew Research Center.

I'm assuming, that many of those foreign born bought into our lifestyle of less than 2.1 children for each woman.

Under Trump, the United States administratively reduced legal immigration — yes, you read that right — by about 49 percent, according to the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP).

I guess with the number of illegals coming in we could cut the number if legals. Anyway, if we need more legals, that's easily fixable. And legal immigration is the only sane and controllable and beneficial for us way to do it.

“The drop in international migration, combined with falling birth rates, resulted in what may have been the slowest decade of population growth in U.S. history — and does not include the additional decline between 2019 and 2020 connected to COVID-19,” a NFAP study says.
The majority of advanced nations, if not just a about all, have had and continue to have severely falling birth rates.

Could it be that the high tech world the advanced nations have evolved into into don't require as much replacement fertility. And maybe even less so with the supposedly soon to be predominance of work being done by artificial intelligence. We are predicted to lose a huge number, several millions, of jobs to robotic systems which can simulate planning and production and delivery more efficiently and less costly than human labor can.

BTW, you have expressed concern for the well being of those countries from whence our illegals are coming--so, if falling fertility rates are a crisis, then are you concerned that they have dangerously been falling in Central America. El Salvador is already under the 2.1 replacement, the others are barely there, if not already so. Would the millions leaving those countries to come here exacerbate their replacement "crisis"? Or are you just a "racist" who doesn't care about the people in brown skin countries?

Last edited by detbuch; 06-07-2021 at 09:08 PM..
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