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Old 07-12-2021, 03:21 PM   #58
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
"Loyal opposition. That's a bit better than the opposition that CNN, NBC, CBS, PBS and the other left leaning networks and media pounded Trump with. Good attempt at balancing the massive fake news from the left with fake news from the right.

Murdoch said "The main beneficiary of the Trump administration from a ratings point of view was MSNBC ... and that’s because they were the loyal opposition," Murdoch said of the rival cable network. That’s what our job is now with the Biden administration, and you’ll see our ratings really improve from here."

He didn't mention fighting against the vaccine. I don't watch TV. But I see a lot of videos from the major news networks. Most of the Fox videos re the vaccine were for it. Some pointed out various drawbacks. Some of the farther right ones like Dobbs (whom Fox got rid of) had more negative things to say about the lockdowns and questioned the negative views about hydroxychloroquine, et. al. But, mostly, I didn't see an effort to stop people from getting vaccines. Hey, they kept reminding us and bragging on it that Trump was responsible for getting them in such a short amount of time.
Poor victim, look around the Democrats are focusing on bread-and-butter issues while their Republican counterparts get big mad about Dr. Seuss’s self-cancellation and Caravans! All Lives Matter! CNN and Fredo! Flag Burning! Murder Antifa! Kneeling NFL Players!
And then claiming that "The tourists weren't yelling 'Hang Mike Pence,' they were yelling 'Hang My Pants'"

Republican bigwigs spent last weekend participating in an anti-vaccine, election truthing freak show in Texas that could best be described as All Culture; No Cattle. And the entire party unified last week around the fabricated and deadly culture war that vilifies public servants who are simply trying to offer people a life-saving vaccine in the comfort of their own home.

Now with Newsmax and OANN pushing the right further into lala land, never mind those lefties at Fox, you have a Newsmax host suggesting vaccines are “against nature,” and some diseases are “supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people”

Well, I mean he's right. Vaccines do "go against nature." Same for antibiotics, heart surgery, and, well, MEDICINE. They all help fight off the entropy, decay, and death of the natural world. The only thing idiotic here is that he seems to think that maybe that's a bad thing.
I'm thinking cooking food, wearing clothes, and living inside homes with air conditioning, heat, and plumbing goes against nature. We weren't meant to live like that.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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