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Old 07-14-2021, 09:16 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Are you claiming Trump did not say that, don’t believe your lying eyes and ears

I did not claim that he said that. Are you using your usual insinuation, conjecture, implying method, this time by asking an insinuating question to plant the notion that I claim something that I don't nor even implied that I claim it? Your sly fakery?

It’s on tape
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Oh, on tape . . . did you get the rest of the transcript? Here's the context in which he said it:

"Donald Trump: (01:00:23)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. No, I said to Matt and Mercedes because I’ve done this and we’ve had… And by the way, you have a poll coming out. Unfortunately, I want to know what it is they… You know, they do that straw poll, right? Now, if it’s bad, I just say, “It’s fake.” If it’s good, I say, “That’s the most accurate poll perhaps ever.” And I know that they it. I guess it gets announced after… I want to find out, are you going to…?

Donald Trump: (01:00:55)
Oh, he won’t. He won’t tell me. I know Matt, he won’t tell me. Well, whenever the hell they get it released. I’ll tell you, here’s the story. If it’s bad, it’ll be front page news in the newspapers. If it’s great, they won’t even cover it. I hate to tell you that, Matt. And I don’t want to convince him to do a bad Poll, but you know the straw poll. So, I did this years ago and I got these great straw polls. It was the first time I ever did it. And I was a novice, but it was right here at CPAC. And I’m so proud of the jump. I mean, look at this room. Look at outside. We have thousands of people trying to come in. I mean our only thing is next time we’ll have to get a bigger place, I guess, right? Next time.

It was in the context of a forthcoming straw poll. He could tell by the success and size of his audience that the result of the straw poll would be very favorable to him. And he knew the fakery of the corporate media which would downplay the result or simply just ignore it.

But "don’t believe your lying eyes and ears." Maintain your narrative, no matter what fakery it takes.
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