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Old 07-15-2021, 04:15 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Critical Race Theory is the latest Bogeyman in a long line, as usual be very afraid.
The lengthy diatribe you posted (is it some article you read without attributing its authorship) doesn't actually discuss Critical Race Theory. The only thing it says about it is this one sentence: "Critical race theory is a legal scholarship framework that has been around in academia for four decades and asserts that racism is systemic and embedded in many American institutions." No details are given.

The devil is in the details. Those who oppose it, cite various details within the "legal scholarship framework." Some of those details are mentioned by critics and are not rebutted or explained in a positive light by supporters, at least not on this forum. From what has been said by critics of it is that whites are inherently racist by virtue of their whiteness. And there is nothing that can actually be done to eliminate that inherent racism. At best, all that can be done is to teach whites that is who they are. Presumably, that may woke whites into behaving better. No other races seem to have this inherent racism.

Critics also say that CRT essentializes race. Makes it essential to understanding the fundamental nature of western civilization (that is "white" civilization). And that all the various values of that civilization are "white" therefor racist. Like personal responsibility for example. And all the other values that have been taught and handed down for generations.

This may all be an unfair characterization of CRT. But an actual discussion of its details might straighten that out. Your diatribe doesn't do that. It just points out what it considers conservative-right wing-Republican backwardness that has opposed a priori good Progressive education policies. And by throwing it into the anti right wing diatribe, with one uninformative sentence, it is therefor considered, by your author, to be a good Progressive education policy.

Even good and essential enough that government workers should also be trained in it.

Last edited by The Dad Fisherman; 07-16-2021 at 12:18 PM..
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