Thread: WTF
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Old 07-29-2021, 07:27 AM   #26
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Nothing in my lifetime has come close to this virus in terms of worldwide impact. So take the cigarette and alcohol argument off the table. The percentages are low, BUT the incidence of Delta, currently, is going in the wrong direction, rapidly. And my view is that we are all headed to more lockdowns, shutdowns, closures, hand outs, higher costs, hyper inflation, loss of jobs, and more governmental control, worldwide.... Because we couldn't get this virus under control when we have/had a chance... And the reason for this is a significant percentage of the American population was not able to procure the antibodies... That is how I connect the dots. Sometimes the choices made available to us are bad and worse. I am a big proponent of our freedoms. Clearly, mandating vaccination is goes against the grain of our freedoms we have grown to love and expect in America. But losing the ability to work, make a reasonable income, and keep my buying power current with the economy is going to be put at risk, again! By this virus! Just doesn't make sense to me when the tool to prevent this is available.

Maybe some of you will remember this post when we are all locked down in our houses again....

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.” – James Madison.
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