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Old 08-24-2021, 10:11 AM   #39
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,069
From DHS documents about your tourists

(U) Tactics Used to Breach the US Capitol Building on 6 January 2021
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(U//FOUO) Scope Note: This Reference Aid provides an overview of some tactics employed during
the breach of the US Capitol to help state and local authorities prepare for possible future
violent events.
(U//FOUO) The tactics used by domestic violent extremists (DVEs) to assault law enforcement
and security personnel and ultimately breach the US Capitol suggests that some of the
participants engaged in pre-operational coordination and planning activities. Following the
breach, federal charges were levied against more than 330 individuals, most of whom traveled
from outside of the National Capital Region. An increase in security at government facilities in
Washington, DC probably has largely dissuaded further targeting of the US Capitol, but
conspiracy theories and perceptions of voter fraud and government overreach could inspire
individuals to engage in violence at government facilities across the United States.
• (U) At least 10 suspected militia extremists attended paramilitary training in Ohio,
Florida, and North Carolina ahead of the breach, according to court documents. The
suspected DVEs also coordinated efforts to bring tactical equipment to the event,
presumably in anticipation of violence. The 10 individuals are awaiting trial for charges,
including conspiring against the United States and conspiring to prevent the government
from discharging its duties.
• (U//FOUO) An alleged leader of the Oath KeepersUSPER, who is awaiting charges related to
conspiracy, encouraged followers to attend the event, reminded them of the firearms
restrictions in the Capital, and suggested they bring mace and batons instead, according
to court documents.a Other Oath Keepers implicated in the conspiracy designated a quick
reaction force (QRF) outside the city that was prepared to supply the group with firearms
if necessary.b Some social media users shared maps of the US Capitol grounds that
(U//FOUO) The mere advocacy of political or social positions, political activism, use of strong
rhetoric, or generalized philosophic embrace of violent tactics does not constitute violent
extremism, and is constitutionally protected. Identifying as a “Oath Keeper” alone does not
constitute violent extremism.
b (U//FOUO) A quick reaction force (QRF) is a term traditionally used to describe a military unit
prepared to mobilize on very short notice when called upon. This is frequently employed by
militia extremists and is used to respond to action against other individuals within the
showed ingress and egress routes, associated tunnels, and potential rallying points.c
(U//FOUO) Discussion of the US Capitol for non-violent purposes, including the sharing of
maps, is constitutionally protected.

(U) DVEs used tactical radios, mobile devices, and encrypted applications to
communicate securely during the breach, according to media reporting and a federal
indictment. Four alleged leaders of the Proud BoysUSPER solicited donations for electronic
equipment, purchased radios, and established an encrypted channel used by dozens of
associates.d The four individuals are awaiting trial on a variety of charges, including
conspiracy and obstruction of an official proceeding.

(U) According to the FBI, an unidentified
individual placed two pipe bombs outside
the headquarters of the Republican
National CommitteeUSPER and Democratic
National CommitteeUPSER.
(U) Firearms (U) At least seven individuals were
arrested for possessing 12 firearms and
thousands of rounds of ammunition before
and after the US Capitol riot, according to
open source media reports.
(U) IIDs (U) An individual arrested during the
event had 11 containers of homemade
napalm, along with several guns and a list
of “good guys” and “bad guys”, according
to court documents.
(U) Crossbows (U) An individual possessing a crossbow
was arrested during the event.
(U) Batons (U) An individual was pictured inside the US
Capitol Building with a concealed baton.
(U) Tasers and
Stun Guns
(U) Multiple individuals at the US Capitol
Building were observed carrying various
types of tasers and stun guns.
(U) Chemical
(U) Rioters were seen using a variety
of chemical irritants against law
enforcement, including pepper spray and
bear spray.
(U) Household
(U) Various household items were used
as weapons during the storming of the
US Capitol Building, including basic hand
tools such as crow bars and hammers,
and other items such as baseball bats
and ladders.
(U) Opportunistic
(U) Opportunistic weapon use was
prevalent, including the use of fire
extinguishers, pipes from nearby
scaffolding, bricks, metal barriers, and
furniture from inside the US Capitol
Building. According to the US Capitol
Police Labor Committee, an officer was
stabbed with a metal fence stake, likely
taken from security barriers on the scene.
(U) Law
(U//FOUO) Opportunistic stealing of
law enforcement equipment — including
batons, shields, handcuffs, tactical vests,
and helmets — for use against police
officers was observed. Individuals also
used stolen shields to shatter windows
and break into the US Capitol Building.
During the event, rioters encouraged
each other to steal law enforcement
firearms to kill officers. Following the
violent protest, a white supremacist
extremist group posted images of
“trophies” from the event, including
a stolen police riot helmet. The group
posted images of the helmet online
to encourage others to join their
organization, according to an open source
social media report.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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