Thread: Disaster
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Old 08-29-2021, 05:03 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Wayne they get the talking points from the usual outlets, never mind the fact the US should have never stayed there after our initial mission was completed. We all enjoy our democracy, but to be so arrogant to believe we can force that way of life elsewhere is a mistake we continue to make.
I don't think Newsweek, Meet the Press, and General McMaster would be considered usual outlets for "they."

"McMaster warned against 'self-delusion' that the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan means the war is over."

"McMaster believed the Taliban could have been defeated and that the troops were on a 'path to slowly strengthening over time.' He added it does not 'make sense' to tell the Taliban we're leaving, and that we want to negotiate a settlement."

"He said the war ended in self-defeat and criticized both the Trump and Biden administrations over the way the American troop withdrawal was handled."

He said ""What we did is surrendered to a Jihadist organization and assumed there would be no consequences for that,"

So . . . because we didn't destroy the Taliban, and now surrendered to it, is the war over? Are the various Al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, and other Jihadist groups now emboldened to hurt us, or have they "learned their lesson" and will now stay away from us and just more confidently step up their extinction of non-Muslim people in the lands they rule or co-occupy with those non-Muslims?

And if it's the latter will we and the rest of the world not involve ourselves in their mission to exterminate millions of their non-Muslim countrymen?

And if, for some reason or other, the war with them is not over and it rears its ugly head, will we finally get together and just finally wipe them out and be done with it.
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