Thread: Disaster
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Old 08-30-2021, 06:13 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
So you have no solution. Throwing out inaccurate labels like genocide and revenge is not a solution.
I am still waiting on a provided solution from all the republicans the MAGA universe and conservative talking heads .. who now are smarter than the Generals (where did I hear that before ... ) who Claim the withdrawal could have been done Better ! Anything could have been done better in any Country we had boots on the Ground ..

But Conservatives and frankly Some Dems Want Our involvement with these story book happy endings ... But they cut and run once the Troops start dying .. then magically they cant accept the risk and try assigning Blame .. And history has shown us this is the Republican playbook again and again

The Tongo Tongo ambush or the Niger ambush occurred on 4 October 2017, when armed militants from the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara attacked Nigerien and US soldiers outside the village of Tongo Tongo, Niger while they were returning to base after a stop in the village. 4 us SF died recorded on their own helmet cams they had no back up or Air on station .. no investigation no congressional hearings

Yet Four Americans died in the attack: Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, ...

And Republican exploit their Deaths for political Advantage because the know Hillarys running for office ..

And this tongo tongo incident was under Trump and republican control no outrage no blame no he's got blood on his Hands same with the 64 kia in Afghanistan during Trump's Term! funny how that works

Yet Conservatives and republicans are silent when Troops die on their POTUS watch because they sell it to their voters as American Strength and great sacrifice keeping Americans safe ! while waving the flag !

However When American service members die under a democratic POTUS these same people sell it to their Base as weak leadership or Appeasement and they fall in line waving more flags Acting outraged and claiming now America is less safe they Dems hate our troops .. its divide and outrage 24x7

Combat is ugly people die on both Sides and I have said it Before
Americans need to either Accept the risks or STFU . Because trying to have it both ways place our troops in greater danger than they understand. they are not a pugs or a yellow lab that everyone love to love.
they are trained to Bite
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